Поиск продукции iColor
Мы работаем с куки. Подробнее

Everything about color in one workshop
What is Coloristics?
Coloristics is the science of color, its properties, contrasts and harmony. Coloristics is the art of choosing and mixing color.
The basis of the art of permanent makeup
Coloristics is a three-hour workshop from iColor Academy where you will learn about the most interesting and the most important skill of an artist: choosing color based on a client’s features: skin, hair color and style.
All key points in one workshop
What Does the Skill of Working With Color Give You?
Confidence in your work performance
Selecting color without mistakes
Knowing how to match colors and create mixes
Understanding the reasons behind the appearance of unwanted hues
The ability to readily explain to a client why a certain color suits or does not suit them
Coloristics of iColor Pigments
We explain how to work with iColor pigments competently and get the maximum of each color’s potential
Are available
Color bases of each of iColor pigments
Color temperature of the pigments
Popular mixes
Course author
Natasha Koldomova
Author and methodologist of tattooing courses for 10 years
Author and ideologist of iColor products
Author of the color matching and skin tone detection methods
Organizer of festivals PM DAYS Jurmala 2017, 2018 and PM DAYS MOSCOW 2019
Organizer of competitions and events in Russia and Europe
The founder and brand manager of iColor
All trainers of the Academy have received specialized training in course delivery, psychology and interaction with students.
years of experience
working students
main academies
trainers all over the world
What our students say:
The clients of our students apply for training - they also want to become artists themselves. That’s how our students work!
Because there’s no fear of working with clients
I started working right after the training!
iColor makes you fall in love with the profession. Make you want to work and achieve new levels of development!
The support of trainers and the academy after the course. You don’t feel left alone. It’s very valuable
The diploma is recognised in Europe, US and Russia
Independent work already on day 5 of training!
iColor – it’s prestige
A ready work portfolio after finishing the course and the understanding of how to sell the service
Training in iColor – it is not only the opportunity to start working right away but also emotions for life!
and become the best permanent makeup artist
Register for the course
Latvia, Riga
Palace, 5
Registration for the course